First question first – is CRM required for I.T. Service Providers ?

Because they have some serious excuses against it, like:

  • Our staff is not that literate to make entries.
  • We wont be able to convince them to make entries.
  • We dont have enough time to monitor them – even if they make all the entries
  • It will increase our operating costs – and you already know there is no money in IT Service ?
  • CRM is too expensive (per user + customisation) how can we bear that ?
Infact I find that even though we sell IT Services to whole world, we seldom use it – saying that its costly and we (or our team) cannot understand it.
– isnt it suicidal – I mean to say that the product which I sell – I am not ready to rely on it.
But at the same time, they have certain problem – for which they dont have solution:
  • They generally dont know:
    • What is efficiency of their support staff ?
    • How many support cases a person has attended ?
    • How many calls were attended – which did not result in closure of the case ?
    • what is cost of AMC per client, or per branch or per PC ?
  • Generally there is no automation of tasks – all the tasks are done manually, as it was done in times of Mr. Mangal Pandey – (A.D. 1857)
  • There is no real time reporting of activities, as such – they always come to know of problems – when it blow up – not when it shows up.
  • Even staff is not able to measure their own efficiency. So they are not clear on what basis they are going to receive increment – this creates lack of transparency in the organisation.
  • They dont even have complete contact details of their customers
    • (Basic KYC – Know your customer details). You might be surprised – this is what we found when we implemented CRM for many Service providers –
    • They had to hunt, diff, search for their customer database.
So Enjay is providing a solution – which solves most of their problem.
Let me start from Service part – step by step.
  • Support Call registration
    • Initially it was done on phone manually one or more person receiving the calls and making entry in one of the registers.
    • In this case – lots of entries were many times missed – and customers used to get angry.
    • Now we have divided the things and reduced the work load:
    • Support call registration – from Website
      • one form is created on Service Providers’ website – when customers fills up the form – its details are automatically entered in CRM.
    • Support call registration – from phone
      • We have published one telephone number for service provider – so that if anyone calls (gives a miss call) on that number – its details are automatically entered in CRM.
    • Support call registration – from Email
      • we published one email ID -if customer send email to that ID – its details are automatically entered in CRM.
    • Further, we announced that those customers who use website, email to register the case – will get priority service. This had a fantastic effect.
  • Support Call Assignment / Allotment
    • Initially this was done manually – based on the persons judgement – without full information.
    • Now, they get a list of all the calls with following details:
      • Priority
      • Area of the call (geography is divided now)
      • Type of call (so that proper person can be sent)
      • Details of the person to be contacted there.
    • The support coordinator (or manager) has just to select the case and select the user name – that’s it.
    • An email / SMS is automatically sent:
      • to Support Executive, giving him list of customers where he has to attend.
      • To the client – stating which engineer is going to attend his case.
  • Case Solution reporting by Support Executives.
    • Before CRM every thing was either manual or verbal – with no records or monitoring tools.
    • But now, the Support Executive, can close the case from the client place also, because the CRM system is online (thru browser)
    • As soon as he closes the case – an email is sent to customer intimating that. – this increases the accountability and responsibility on the part of support executive.
  • Dashboard reporting
    • Before CRM, Team Leaders & CEO did not get any kind of reporting as to what was happening.
    • Now they get all the reports mentioned above (which I have discussed in the problems area) regularly and in REALTIME.
    • Reports can also be scheduled and emailed to them. This saves them from logging into the system to check the reports.
  • Automatic Escalation
    • if case is not solved in the stipulated time, it gets escalated automatically based on
      • priority of the case.
      • Priority of the customer
      • general standards of terms of service as defined by the service providers.
This was just the tip of iceberg, there are lots and lots of other advantages. CRM also provides RMA management, Customers complete details (a comprehensive KYC information)
For a test drive, call us or email us:

One Comment

  1. sunnil mehra

    Please send more details

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