
SME EnjayCRM Success Tips #2 Never hire new person (fresher) as CRM Incharge

For Successful implementation of CRM you need to have one CRM Admin in your organisation who will take ownership and get it implemented.  Many times I have seen that Small Businesses hire new person to implement and manage CRM in their organisation. This is one of the biggest mistake that you can make.

CRM admin should be person who knows your company, your goals, your team, your strengths and your weakness. He should be able to finalise processes and policies. He should also have authority and command to get things implemented

If above is the definition of CRM Admin, which qualities does a new recruit (CRM Manager) match ? NONE. You are right – NONE. A new entrant to your organisation matches none of above qualities required for successfully implementing CRM.

Just take a minute and write down your goals for CRM implementation. Then you will never make this mistake.

Most of the time people don’t think about goals of CRM – What they want to achieve?

Here are few reasons why Business Owners do this. Let me explore one by one and then also give reply to those reasons (I would call them excuses).

All our senior team members are busy managing our current processes.

Your current processes are already well set which can be handed over to new person after some sort of training. However you are implementing CRM for first time in your organisation. You require your most senior team to take control.

I cannot afford to assign Senior employee for CRM.

When you assign CRM implementation to a new person, in fact you end up spending more time and resources. Even entire CRM implementation may fail. Plus do you think that your new recruit will be able to direct and command your senior team to do things. No way.

Anybody can do data-entry.

Biggest Myth. CRM is more of Sanskar (culture) rather than software. Its about managing change in organisation. If you still see CRM as data-entry, then you are not ready for CRM. What you implement now, will go on for another 5/10 years. Its not data-entry, its new format for doing business.

Most of the reasons above arise due to fact that people think that CRM is just data entry and don’t take CRM seriously. They don’t even plan the out come of the exercise.


As a result you start looking CRM software as a problem. Remember CRM is a physiotherapy and not surgery. Its like buying equipment for GYM. just buying will not help you become fit, you have to exercise as guided, that too regularly.

So who should be CRM Admin / Incharge ?

CRM admin should be person who knows your company, your goals, your team, your strengths and your weakness. He should be able to finalise processes and policies. He should also have authority and command to get things implemented. Generally in a small business, its the BOSS or his right hand.

Just imagine, can a new person imagine what kind of automation is required in various processes. Never.

So never assign task of CRM implementation to a new person.

I have business formula “New Business; experienced  person is required, Old business; inexperienced person may handle”

CRM is not a software but Sanskar (Culture). Its how you implement processes and policies.

Implementing CRM is more of Sanskar (culture) than Software.

How can Enjay Help

Enjay can help you implement EnjayCRM or customise EnjayCRM and even provide Admin / user training to your users. BTW, we also make lots of ready to use Add-ons for EnjayCRM.

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