Why  Linux is not popularIn this article, I will try to list out 5 reasons Linux is not popular in SME in India. Everybody agrees that Linux is very reliable and robust Operating system, but still we find that it is very less popular in India, especially in SME Segment. Linux is quite popular in select Enterprises and even in the few SOHO segments, where people are little more technically inclined. But SME segment has always been away from Linux.

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 This is more so because the SME segment does not have proper resources in house to evaluate the correct technology and accurate and professional guidance is not available easily.

5 reasons why Linux is not popular in SME in India

  1. Which Linux ?
    1. There are so many choices in Linux that people are often confused, as to which Distribution to adopt, or for that matter which software to use for which application.
    2. Choices lead to confusion, People want convenience and not choices.
    3. Bigger problem is that if you speak to 10 people they will tell you 10 different stories, which still worsens the situation.
  2. Compatibility Myths.
    1. People are always skeptical whether their particular software, device (or my windows data files) will work with Linux or not.
    2. Although Linux has come a long way in terms of usability and compatibility, but the legacy of ignorance continues.
  3. Other Myths
    1. Lots of them, like Linux is for servers and not desktops, Linux is very difficult, its a trial version, etc etc..
    2. I know you might laugh at above things, but these feelings were conveyed to me by many business owners.
  4. Apathy by System Integrators
    1. This can be a major & most important reason. Whenever a business owner or IT head asks his dealer about switching to Linux, the dealer first scares him. this might be weird, but its true.
    2. Why? I have shared those reasons in a separate article.
  5. No Support
    1. Most of people believe that there is no support for Linux, and even if available its very costly.
    2. Its partly true also. but then people compare cost of pirated software with free software, which I think is unfare.
There can be many more reasons, but since the heading of article is 5 reasons, I have mentioned only 5, you are free to add more.

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